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Bullying in the Workplace

Bullying in the Workplace

Workplace bullying in the UK is more common than you might think. The world of business is fast paced and very competitive and these high-pressured environments can cause questionable decision-making. Bullying can make working life miserable and...

All About Angels…

All About Angels…

So, what are An​gels? The word angel is thought to be derived from the Greek word "Angelos" which means "messenger". In Christian, Muslim, Jewish and other theologies an angel can be one who acts as a messenger, attendant or agent of God. Throughout the...

Crystals For Mental Health

Crystals For Mental Health

Approximately 1 in 4 people in the UK will experience a mental health problem each year. There are many known therapies and coping strategies out there that help us to deal with our mental health issues, but one that is less talked about is the use of crystals...

Future Life Progression

Future Life Progression

One of the processes I use with my clients is Future Life Progression (FLP).  It is an amazing technique that allows you to explore your future.  Yes you can go and have a Tarot Card reading and the reader can tell you about probable outcomes but with FLP...

Be Kind to Your Mind

Be Kind to Your Mind

Last week was Mental Health Awareness Week, which was hosted the Mental Health Foundation. Kindness was the theme chosen this year to be talked about, and this is very fitting due to the current situation going on in the world. Kindness, whether it’s showing others...

Ring Ring … Calling all Starseeds!

Ring Ring … Calling all Starseeds!

Are you a Starseed? Have you ever felt lonely or alienated? Like you just can't relate to anyone around you? There might be a reason for that - you might be a Starseed! Starseeds look, act and feel like normal human beings, however, they experience an innate...

All About Anxiety

All About Anxiety

Anxiety is a natural human response to situations when we feel we are under threat.  Our “fight or flight” response kicks in and our thoughts, feelings and physical sensations can be affected. When we are anxious we feel worried, tense or afraid about things that...

Are You An Introvert?

Are You An Introvert?

As an introvert you are usually thought of as quiet and reserved, and social events can usually leave you feeling exhausted and drained.  Did you know, roughly 50% of the population is made up of introverts! Although you may think negatively about being an...

Shy And Mighty Podcast

Shy And Mighty Podcast

Listen to Cloud 9 Minds Operations Director as she speaks on the Shy and Mighty Podcast with Nadia Finer on how she went from shy child to fighting crime on the front line. Nadia is on a mission to help shy people become more mighty. You can listen here...

Can A Vegan Diet Boost Our Mental Health?

Can A Vegan Diet Boost Our Mental Health?

Going vegan has never been easier! It’s time to power our working lives through healthy eating. In our day to day working lives, we often find ourselves having to deal with countless problems, stressful situations, and feeling pulled in many directions from workplace...

Can Man’s Best Friend Suffer From Mental Health Disorders?

Can Man’s Best Friend Suffer From Mental Health Disorders?

Experts have claimed that almost a million British dogs are suffering from mental health disorders. A study conducted by Emory University scientists in 2013 showed that dogs’ brains are strikingly similar to the human brain – especially when it comes to emotions. Like...

The Benefits of Exercise

The Benefits of Exercise

Lacking in motivation to exercise?  Here are some benefits for you to consider. The Top 5 Benefits of Exercise: It will give you Sharper memory and thinking. The same endorphins that make you feel better also help you concentrate and feel mentally sharp for your work....